Neurofeedback, Where Are We and Where Are We Going? Three Critical Issues for Consideration: Perspective from 25 Years of Practice
To preserve and move neurotherapy forward, three things are critical for our discipline to address: (1) conflict and division, (2) the red herring of the doubleblind imperative and...
AAPB Biofeedback Volume 49, Issue 3
Read MoreCOVID, Mental Health and Interactive Screen Use, Complement or Override: Mitigating the effects of (i)technology overflow in times of COVID
As early as the late 1990’s the relative negative to positive influence of our i-tech was a primary conundrum as scholars started to examine the emergence of pathological usage patterns …
BC Psychologist, Winter, 2021
Read MorePsychology and the public good: Reflections on the Economics of Relationships in Mental Health Treatments
What is "Public Good"? In the realm of economics it is something provided for all to all. The 'good' in the term however lacks semantic, if not pragmatic, clarity...
BC Psychologist, Winter, 2018
Read MoreThe ‘Science’ and ‘Research’ of Screen Based Technologies: Helping Concerned Parents Navigate Psychological Health and Wellness the Digital Age
In addition to my own, there are numerous earlier books written for the educated layperson calling on the need for caution as it applies to unmitigated usage of screen based technologies (phones, pad/pods, laptops, computers and consols) …
BC Psychologist, Fall, 2016
Read MoreThe ‘Science’ and ‘Research’ of Screen Based Technologies: Helping Concerned Parents Navigate Psychological Health and Wellness the Digital Age
In addition to my own, there are numerous earlier books written for the educated layperson calling on the need for caution as it applies to unmitigated usage of screen based technologies (phones, pad/pods, laptops, computers and consols) …
BC Psychologist, Fall, 2016
Read MoreGaming Addiction
At the turn of the last century, maladaptive gaming practice was typically associated with solitary console gaming predominantly involving male children. It was rarely on the clinical radar as a cause or contributor to educational or behavioral difficulties for which psychological services were being sought.
AAPB Biofeedback Spring 2017, Volume 45 - Issue 1
Read MoreWhat is i-technology Really Doing to our Brains?
Many of the social and emotional effects of excessive applicaions of digital media, otherwise known as i-technologies, or simply i-tech, have been duly noted in the popular press and professional journals alike. Associations with depression, anxiety, and the obsessive compulsive spectrum are pervasive,…
Psychophysiology Today – The E-Magazine for Mind-body Medicine. 2015, Vol 10 (1),5-8. Biofeedback Federation of Europe.
Read MoreBeyond the Self in Self-Regulation – Reaching Beyond Technologies: The Importance of Others and Relationships to Individual Well-being
A professional thesis from which a lot of my work stems is that increases in screen time to the exclusion (rather than addition) of face-to-face or heart-to-heart interaction is harmful and may indeed be correlated with increases in clinical depression, anxiety,…
In what appears to be an era of ever increasing individualism, it is easy to lose perspective on the role others play in our health and happiness…
AAPB Biofeedback Winter 2015, Volume 43 - Issue 4
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